Dialister Details: NCBI 39948, gram-negative or unknown [genus]

| "Dialister" Bergey et al. 1923| Dialister| Dialister (ex Bergey et al. 1923) Moore and Moore 1994 emend. Downes et al. 2003| Dialister (ex Bergey et al. 1923) Moore and Moore 1994 emend. Jumas-Bilak et al. 2005| Dialister (ex Bergey et al. 1923) Moore and Moore 1994 emend. Morotomi et al. 2008

  1. Normal Microbiota:

    • Dialister species are considered part of the normal microbial community in the human body, particularly in the oral cavity and the gastrointestinal tract. The composition and balance of the microbiota, including Dialister, play a role in maintaining overall health.
  2. Anaerobic Bacteria:

    • Many species within the Dialister genus are anaerobic, meaning they thrive in environments with low oxygen levels. Anaerobic bacteria contribute to various physiological processes in the human body, including the digestion of complex carbohydrates.
  3. Oral Microbiota:

    • Dialister species are found in the oral microbiota, where they contribute to the complex community of bacteria in the mouth. The oral microbiota is involved in processes such as dental plaque formation and can influence oral health.
  4. Gut Microbiota:

    • Dialister species are also present in the gut microbiota. The gut microbiota has been implicated in various aspects of health, including digestion, nutrient absorption, immune system modulation, and the prevention of colonization by potential pathogens.
  5. Associations with Health Conditions:

    • Research has suggested associations between changes in the abundance or composition of Dialister and certain health conditions. For example, alterations in the oral microbiota, including Dialister, have been observed in conditions such as periodontal disease.

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Lab Reporting

Different labs use different software to read the sample. See this post for more details.
One lab may say you have none, another may say you have a lot! - This may be solely due to the software they are using to estimate.
We deem lab specific values using values from the KM method for each specific lab to be the most reliable.

Desired Levels Suggestions for Dialister

These are values that are computed from lab specific samples (Patent Pending)
LabFrequencyUD-LowUD-HighKM LowKM HighLab LowLab HighMean MedianStandard DeviationBox Plot LowBox Plot High KM Percentile Low KM Percentile High
Other Labs 2.6 0 0 20 20492 0 12977 3106.5 350 5036 0 6840 0 %ile 100 %ile
biomesight 62.74 0 180 10 11570 0 24507 5189.6 180 9856 0 13080 3.5 %ile 90.8 %ile
thorne 100 8 2481 0 1201 202.9 30 509.2 6 230 0 %ile 100 %ile
thryve 86.46 0 5922 20 9690 0 26053 4787.4 246 10849.8 0 12108 6.4 %ile 90.7 %ile
ubiome 60.08 0 3606 102 52202 0 30939 8266.4 4399 11567.7 0 20651 8 %ile 99.2 %ile

External Reference Ranges for Dialister

Dialister (NCBI 39948) per million
Source of Ranges Low Boundary High Boundary Low Boundary %age High Boundary %age
Metagenomics 0 10000 0 1
Thorne (20/80%ile) 12.06 69.28 0.0012 0.0069
Statistic by Lab Source for Dialister
These desired values are reported from the lab reports
Lab Frequency Seen Average Standard Deviation Sample Count Lab Samples
AmericanGut 73.333 %   0.431 %  0.74 % 11.0 15
BiomeSight 68.4 %   0.528 %  0.996 % 2026.0 2962
BiomeSightRdp 29.032 %   0.053 %  0.088 % 9.0 31
bugspeak 100 %   1.428 %  % 1.0 1
CerbaLab 100 %   0.035 %  0.048 % 3.0 3
CosmosId 34.375 %   0.257 %  0.413 % 11.0 32
custom 19.672 %   0.179 %  0.494 % 12.0 61
es-xenogene 17.241 %   0.01 %  0.006 % 5.0 29
GanzimmunDiag 100 %   0.105 %  0 % 3.0 3
Medivere 71.429 %   0.027 %  0.047 % 5.0 7
Microba 17.857 %   0.881 %  0.544 % 5.0 28
SequentiaBiotech 27.778 %   0.437 %  0.364 % 10.0 36
Thorne 85.294 %   0.03 %  0.11 % 87.0 102
Thryve 86.321 %   0.526 %  1.146 % 1199.0 1389
Tiny 50 %   0.374 %  % 1.0 2
uBiome 59.975 %   0.827 %  1.156 % 475.0 792

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πŸ§™? Search Hints:
General Substance Specific Substance Effect
Amino Acid and similar l-glutamine 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Amino Acid and similar l-proline 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Antibiotics, Antivirals etc rifaximin (antibiotic)s 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Antibiotics, Antivirals etc trimethoprim (antibiotic)s 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Antibiotics, Antivirals etc vancomycin (antibiotic)[CFS] 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Diet Style gluten-free diet 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Diet Style moderate-protein moderate-carbohydrate 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Diet Style Olive Oil 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Diet Style vegetable/fruit juice-based diets 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Drug or "Non-drug" chlorhexidine 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) almonds/ almond skins 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) barley 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) carbohydrates 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) chicken 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) fish oil 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) ku ding cha tea 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) nuts 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) Pork 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) Pumpkin 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) rice bran 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) soy 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) vegetable 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) walnuts 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) wheat bran 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶📓, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) whey 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Herb or Spice berberine 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Herb or Spice camelina seed 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Herb or Spice ginko 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Herb or Spice Shen Ling Bai Zhu San 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Prebiotics and similar galacto-oligosaccharides (prebiotic) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Prebiotics and similar inulin (prebiotic) 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Prebiotics and similar mannooligosaccharide (prebiotic) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Prebiotics and similar ß-glucan 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Prescription - Other chemotherapy (prescription) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Prescription - Other proton-pump inhibitors (prescription) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Probiotics bacillus amyloliquefaciens (probiotic) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Probiotics bacillus licheniformis,(probiotics) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Probiotics bacillus subtilis (probiotics) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Probiotics bifidobacterium animalis lactis (probiotics) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Probiotics bifidobacterium longum (probiotics) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Probiotics candida albicans (prescription) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Probiotics enterococcus faecium (probiotic) 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶📓, Click for details.
Probiotics lactobacillus acidophilus (probiotics) 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶📓, Click for details.
Probiotics lactobacillus kefiri (NOT KEFIR) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Probiotics lactobacillus reuteri (probiotics) 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶📓, Click for details.
Sugar and similar lactulose 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Sugar and similar saccharin 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Vitamins, Minerals and similar iron 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Vitamins, Minerals and similar vitamin a 3 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶📓, Click for details.
Vitamins, Minerals and similar vitamin b2,Riboflavin 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Vitamins, Minerals and similar Vitamin B9,folic acid 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶📓, Click for details.
Vitamins, Minerals and similar Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Vitamins, Minerals and similar vitamin d 3 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶📓, Click for details.
Vitamins, Minerals and similar Vitamin E 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Vitamins, Minerals and similar zinc 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.

Foods Containing the Dialister bacteria

Data comes from FoodMicrobionet. For the meaning of weight, see that site. The bacteria does not need to be alive to have an effect.

Cheese with dietary fibers Weight: 1.681 Obushera, Uganda Weight: 0.7111 Motoho fermented 72h, South Africa Weight: 0.7064 Ogi from maize, Nigeria Weight: 0.6869 Mawe from sorghum fermented 12h, Benin Weight: 0.6241 Cassava dough, Ghana Weight: 0.5548 Maize dough, Ghana Weight: 0.5307 Mawe from sorghum fermented 48h, Benin Weight: 0.5124 Kwerionik, Uganda Weight: 0.3908 Nono, Nigeria Weight: 0.3696 Boule d'akassa (Burkina Faso) Weight: 0.3532 Fermented finger millet Weight: 0.2917 Gappal seche, Burkina Faso Weight: 0.2813 Mawe from maize fermented 12h, Benin Weight: 0.2565 Millet dough(Ghana) Weight: 0.2476 Tonton, Uganda Weight: 0.2271 Mawe from maize fermented 48h, Benin Weight: 0.197 Beer Belgian Strong Dark Ale Weight: 0.1692 Fura, Ghana Weight: 0.1501 Ghee, Uganda Weight: 0.1192 Wara, Nigeria Weight: 0.1149 Ogi from sorghum, Nigeria Weight: 0.1019 Nunu, Ghana Weight: 0.07351 Swiss-Dutch-type cheese Weight: 0.06169 Cheese with protective lactobacilli in milk Weight: 0.02976 Picual olives Weight: 0.02325 Curd cheese, cow milk Weight: 0.0009258830609694

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Copyright 2016-2024 Lassesen Consulting, LLC [2007], DBA, Microbiome Prescription. All rights served.
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