Alistipes Details: NCBI 239759, gram-negative or unknown [genus]

| Alistipes| Alistipes Rautio et al. 2003

  1. Normal Gut Microbiota: Alistipes species are normal inhabitants of the human gut microbiota. They contribute to the microbial community that plays a crucial role in digestion, nutrient metabolism, and immune system modulation.

  2. Metabolic Functions: Alistipes bacteria are involved in the fermentation of complex carbohydrates in the colon, producing short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) as byproducts. SCFAs are known to have various health benefits, including supporting the health of the intestinal lining and influencing metabolic processes.

  3. Association with Disease: While many Alistipes species are commensal, alterations in the abundance of certain gut bacteria, including Alistipes, have been observed in various disease states. Changes in the gut microbiota composition, termed dysbiosis, have been associated with conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and metabolic disorders.

  4. Immunomodulatory Effects: Some studies suggest that Alistipes species may have immunomodulatory effects, influencing the immune response in the gut. The interaction between gut bacteria and the host immune system is complex and can impact overall health.

  5. Potential Links to Obesity: There is some research exploring the potential links between the gut microbiota, including Alistipes species, and conditions like obesity. However, the relationships are complex and may be influenced by various factors.

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Lab Reporting

Different labs use different software to read the sample. See this post for more details.
One lab may say you have none, another may say you have a lot! - This may be solely due to the software they are using to estimate.
We deem lab specific values using values from the KM method for each specific lab to be the most reliable.

Desired Levels Suggestions for Alistipes

These are values that are computed from lab specific samples (Patent Pending)
LabFrequencyUD-LowUD-HighKM LowKM HighLab LowLab HighMean MedianStandard DeviationBox Plot LowBox Plot High KM Percentile Low KM Percentile High
Other Labs 6.62 0 0 2600 252298 0 100427 29519.3 19038 36177.6 0 55984 8 %ile 100 %ile
biomesight 0.46 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 5 %ile 95 %ile
thorne 100 763 184267 0 141400 40699.2 23090 51377.7 0 40140 0 %ile 100 %ile
thryve 97.11 82 31939 276 29327 0 63398 16753.5 10154 23798.4 0 34580 10.6 %ile 90.8 %ile
ubiome 92.78 0 44619 5259 47064 0 85054 28603.7 20912 28801.1 0 54429 10.7 %ile 90.9 %ile

External Reference Ranges for Alistipes

Alistipes (NCBI 239759) per million
Source of Ranges Low Boundary High Boundary Low Boundary %age High Boundary %age
Jason Hawrelak 0 3000 0 0.3
Metagenomics 0 30000 0 3
Lab Teletest 2000 45000 0.2 4.5
XenoGene 2500 20000 0.25 2
Thorne (20/80%ile) 4486.6 21698 0.4487 2.1698
MyBioma 15600 54400 1.56 5.44
Medivere 16000 520000 1.6 52
GanzImmun Diagostics 22000 67000 2.2 6.7
Statistic by Lab Source for Alistipes
These desired values are reported from the lab reports
Lab Frequency Seen Average Standard Deviation Sample Count Lab Samples
AmericanGut 60 %   0.186 %  0.472 % 9.0 15
BiomeSight 0.608 %   0 %  0 % 18.0 2962
BiomeSightRdp 29.032 %   1.993 %  0.983 % 9.0 31
bugspeak 100 %   0.058 %  % 1.0 1
CerbaLab 100 %   2.812 %  3.581 % 3.0 3
CosmosId 96.875 %   2.956 %  2.401 % 31.0 32
custom 77.049 %   3.018 %  2.111 % 47.0 61
es-xenogene 100 %   3.355 %  4.29 % 29.0 29
GanzimmunDiag 100 %   3.781 %  0 % 3.0 3
Medivere 100 %   4.346 %  2.073 % 7.0 7
Microba 89.286 %   5.48 %  5.471 % 25.0 28
Microba1 100 %   6.38 %  % 1.0 1
SequentiaBiotech 91.667 %   1.234 %  1.729 % 33.0 36
Thorne 91.176 %   2.109 %  3.4 % 93.0 102
Thryve 97.122 %   1.589 %  2.342 % 1350.0 1390
Tiny 100 %   10.266 %  12.241 % 2.0 2
uBiome 92.424 %   2.874 %  2.902 % 732.0 792

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General Substance Specific Substance Effect
Amino Acid and similar acetic acid 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Amino Acid and similar l-taurine 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Antibiotics, Antivirals etc amoxicillin (antibiotic)s[CFS] 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶📓, Click for details.
Antibiotics, Antivirals etc azithromycin,(antibiotic)s[CFS] 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Antibiotics, Antivirals etc florfenicol (antibiotic)s 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Antibiotics, Antivirals etc penicillin-moxalactam (antibiotic)s 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Antibiotics, Antivirals etc ß-lactam (antibiotic)s 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Antibiotics, Antivirals etc trimethoprim (antibiotic)s 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Common Supplements N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Diet Style animal-based diet 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Diet Style high-fat diets 3 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶📓, Click for details.
Diet Style high-protein diet 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Diet Style methionine-choline-deficient (MCD) diet 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Diet Style plant-rich diet 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Drug or "Non-drug" florfenicol 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
flavonoids, polyphenols etc resveratrol (grape seed/polyphenols/red wine) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
flavonoids, polyphenols etc Sulforaphane,1-Isothiocyanato-4-(methanesulfinyl)butane,C6H11NOS2 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) blueberry 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) broccoli 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) Burdock Root 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) Cranberry 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) cranberry bean flour 3 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶📓, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) cruciferous vegetables (broccoli cabbage) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) ethanol 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) Far infrared Sauna 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👪, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) fruit 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) fruit/legume fibre 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) Goji (berry,juice) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) high fruit intake 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) high red meat 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) Kale 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) Konjaku flour 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) ku ding cha tea 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) purple sweet potatoes 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) rice bran 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Food (excluding seasonings) sunflower oil 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Herb or Spice berberine 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶📓, Click for details.
Herb or Spice brassica juncea 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Herb or Spice chrysanthemum morifolium 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Herb or Spice Codonopsis pilosula 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Herb or Spice Curcumin 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶👪, Click for details.
Herb or Spice Dangshen 3 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Herb or Spice ginger 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Herb or Spice glycyrrhizic acid (licorice) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Herb or Spice Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Herb or Spice Moringa Oleifera 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Herb or Spice Papain 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Herb or Spice Rhodiola rosea (Rosavin) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Herb or Spice Slippery Elm 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👪, Click for details.
Herb or Spice tannic acid 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Herb or Spice triphala 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Miscellaneous, food additives, and other odd items Bile Acid Sequestrant 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Miscellaneous, food additives, and other odd items gallate (food additive) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Miscellaneous, food additives, and other odd items isobutyric acid 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Miscellaneous, food additives, and other odd items isovaleric acid(fatty acid) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Miscellaneous, food additives, and other odd items Polyethylene glycol 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Prebiotics and similar Glucomannan 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Prebiotics and similar Human milk oligosaccharides (prebiotic, Holigos, Stachyose) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Prebiotics and similar resistant starch 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Prescription - Other helminth infection (prescription) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Prescription - Other heparin 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Prescription - Other ibuprofen 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Prescription - Other Morphine 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Probiotics bacillus coagulans (probiotics) 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Probiotics bacillus licheniformis,(probiotics) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Probiotics bacillus subtilis (probiotics) 4 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Probiotics bacillus subtilis natto (probiotics) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Probiotics bifidobacterium (probiotics) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.
Probiotics bifidobacterium bifidum (probiotics) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Probiotics enterococcus faecium (probiotic) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Probiotics lactobacillus crispatus 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Probiotics lactobacillus plantarum (probiotics) 2 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶📓, Click for details.
Probiotics lactobacillus rhamnosus gg (probiotics) 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Probiotics Lentilactobacillus buchneri 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Sugar and similar lactulose 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases📓, Click for details.
Sugar and similar polysorbate 80 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases📓, Click for details.
Sugar and similar sugar 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Increases👶, Click for details.
Vitamins, Minerals and similar vitamin d 1 Studies recorded. The consensus is Decreases👶, Click for details.

Foods Containing the Alistipes bacteria

Data comes from FoodMicrobionet. For the meaning of weight, see that site. The bacteria does not need to be alive to have an effect.

Surstromming - Fermented Herring (Sweden) Weight: 1.961 tomato sour soup metagenome Weight: 0.2796 Palm wine Weight: 0.2505 Portuguese Painho de Porco Iberico fermented sausages Weight: 0.2359 Malaysian fermented fish sauce Weight: 0.2256 Epoisses (French Cheese) Weight: 0.2204 Robiola di Roccaverano Cheese (Italy) Weight: 0.1511 Nunu, Ghana Weight: 0.1037 Hard cheese (Cheddar, Emmental type) Pasteurised Cow Weight: 0.09874 Pont l'Eveque(France) Weight: 0.0779 Abbaye de Citeaux Weight: 0.05992 Soft - ripened cheese Pasteurised Cow Weight: 0.05659 Dehulled maize dough, Ghana Weight: 0.05483 Saint Nectaire Cheese (France) Weight: 0.04752 Trentingrana Cheese (Italy) Weight: 0.04514 Munster cheese Weight: 0.0439 Tej, Ethiopia Weight: 0.04009 Teff dough fermented Weight: 0.03911 Fermented glutinous rice Weight: 0.0361 Kefir grain Weight: 0.03159 Gruyere cheese Weight: 0.02905 Kokonte, Ghana Weight: 0.02849 Cider - Dry Weight: 0.02693 Cheddar cheese Weight: 0.02607 Dawadawa, Ghana Weight: 0.02605 Brie cheese Weight: 0.01233 Motoho fermented 72h, South Africa Weight: 0.009788 Jarlsberg cheese Weight: 0.008053 yoghurt fermentation Weight: 0.0069 Boule d'akassa (Burkina Faso) Weight: 0.006689 Sausage, Cyprus: Limassol Weight: 0.006183 fermented Hakarl Weight: 0.004504 Ogi from maize, Nigeria Weight: 0.004357 Lard Farm Weight: 0.003335 Mawe from sorghum fermented 12h, Benin Weight: 0.002542 Fermented Fabriano-like sausage Weight: 0.001908

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