Tests for Alopecia (Hair Loss)

  1. 📚 Citations
  2. 🦠 Taxons (Bacteria) report by studies
  3. 🥣 Candidates for improving (avoids and takes)
  4. 🔮 Bacteria Related Conditions
  5. es-xenogene is located in Spain and is expensive compared to others

Some 16s providers support download of FASTQ (raw data - BIG FILES). These can be processed thru other services (at the moment, Thryve and Biomesight offers free processing). The bacteria is determine by computer algorithms, which differs from lab to lab.

  1. Biomesight and BiomeSightRdp ships worldwide - including the US
  2. Thryve is now Ombre Labs but only ships to the US
  3. CosmosId is available thru NirvanaBiome
  4. Medivere is based in Germany
  5. American Gut
  6. Xenogene is both the most expensive and most detail for rare bacteria. They are based in Spain
  7. uBiome is no longer in business
The Percentage of significant bacteria each test reports on
Name Percentage
CerbaLab 95%
es-xenogene 95%
Thorne 95%
FASTQ processed thru both Thryve and BiomeSight 95%
Thryve 90%
uBiome 85%
BiomeSight 85%
CosmosId 80%
Tiny 80%
bugspeak 80%
Medivere 75%
BiomeSightRdp 75%
SequentiaBiotech 70%
vitract 65%
AmericanGut 60%
Microba 50%
Microba1 45%
Gut Zoomer (vibrant-wellness) 45%
Laboratorio Teletest 40%
DayTwo 35%
GanzimmunDiag 35%
TinyHealth 35%
Chuckling Goat 30%
Biomefx 25%
Genova Gi Effects (cfu/g) 25%
GI360 Stool (UK) 25%
Metagenomics Stool (De Meirleir) (16s Limited) 25%
Diagnostic Solution GI-Map (cfu/gm) 20%
GanzImmun Diagnostic A6 (cfu/gm) 20%
Medivere Mikrobiom Plus Stuhlanalyse 15%
Medivere: Darm Mikrobiom Stuhltest (16s limited) 15%
Nordic Laboratories 15%
Tarmkollen Mega 15%
NutriPATH 10%
Microbiome Healthpath Maxi 10%
Viome (Latest Reports Fail to provide ANY measurements) 10%
GanzImmun Diagnostics AG Befundbericht 10%
Biovis Microbiome Plus (cfu/g) 10%
Bioscreen (cfu/gm) 5%
Estudio de Disbiosis: Intestinal + Parasitos 5%
Medivere: Darn Magen Diagnostik (16s Limited) 5%
Medivere: Gesundsheitscheck Darm (16s Limited) 5%
GI EcologiX (Invivo) 5%
InVitaLab (cfu/gm) 5%
Kyber Kompakt (cfu/g) 5%
Verisana (cfu/ml) aka (kbe/ml) 5%

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